Posts tagged python

Batch Processing Jupyter Notebooks with Papermill

Jupyter notebooks are really good for doing the heavy lifting of data analysis by:

Allowing you to showcase your work in a single place. You can see the complete “paper trail” of what was done. This includes the code, results, visuals and the narrative accompanying your analysis.

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Python Tutorial FAQ - Part 3

Here is a compilation of questions from the third session of the Python Tutorial Seminar Series which covered writing functions as well as f-string formatting.

Q. Seeing how 2/2 returns 1.0 instead of 1, is the numeric type automatically determined from the inputs or do you have to force it?

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Python Tutorial FAQ - Part 2

Here is a compilation of questions and issues that arose during the second session of the Python Tutorial Seminar Series, on creating a data dictionary. After this first short series, these FAQ sections will be added to the Xdev tutorial website

Q. Why is list[0:10] the first 10 elements, not 11?

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Python Tutorial FAQ

Here is a compilation of questions and issues that arose during the first session of the Python Tutorial Seminar Series. Hopefully all attendees feel that their issues are addressed here.

Q. I am having issues running the command: curl -kO What should I do?

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Writing multiple netCDF files in parallel with xarray and dask

A typical computation workflow with xarray consists of:

reading one or more netCDF files into an xarray dataset backed by dask using xr.open_mfdataset() or xr.open_dataset(chunks=...),


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