Comparing Atmospheric Model Output with Observations Using Intake-ESM#

Comparing models and observations is a critical component of climate diagnostic packages. This process can be challenging though - given the number of observational datasets to compare against, and the difference in spatiotemporal resolutions. In the previous iteration of the diagnostics package used for atmospheric data from the Community Earth System Model (CESM), they used pre-computed, observational datasets stored in a directory on the GLADE filesystem (/glade/p/cesm/amwg/amwg_diagnostics/obs_data)

Within this example, we walk though generating an intake-esm catalog from the observational data, reading in CESM data, and compare models and observations


import ast
import glob
import pathlib
import traceback
import warnings
from datetime import datetime

import as ccrs
import geocat.comp
import geoviews.feature as gf
import holoviews as hv
import hvplot
import hvplot.xarray
import intake
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from distributed import Client
from ecgtools import Builder
from ecgtools.builder import INVALID_ASSET, TRACEBACK
from ncar_jobqueue import NCARCluster
